Sorry for the long gap between posts! I know its hard to believe sometimes, but life outside the wedding carries on, and sometimes the real world gets in the way. Having said that, there are now just 3 months and 27 days until the wedding! I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by!
I haven't been resting on my laurels.
-Operation bunting is nearly complete: i'm hoping that by this time next week I will be able to show you completed pictures.
-Mum has finished my long and low, my flower girl wand, outdoor table centre pieces, and some awesome topiary trees complete with teapot accessories. She's now working on the confetti cones. Thank god for creative mums!
-65 mini bottles with corks and drink me tags are now sitting in wedding HQ, waiting to be filled with blueberry vodka.
-We've chosen the style and colours for the guys suits. They are all coming to town in a fortnight to get measured up and place the final order.
-We went home to my parents for the weekend and achieved loads. My mum saw me all dressed up in my almost completed outfit (and cried!), I had my hair trial, I procurred more teapots (we only need 4 more) and I got my wedding jewellery from the local antiques village. It matches my brooch bouquet perfectly. Behold the bling:

The pendant is on my mum's gold rope chain (my something borrowed) As you can see, it's blue on one side and peach on the other: both of my accent colours! The earrings are currently clip on, but my very talented sister is going to convert them. And the bracelet? Well i'm a magpie, how could I resist all those shiny colours!?
This weekend I will be attempting to make an oversized 3D papier mache tea cup prop. I have no idea if this will work or not, but I will post pictures either way. Wish me luck!!
Love, Tor xx